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Energy Audit

An energy audit will identify energy-saving opportunities. It will help you understand your energy usage and ways to use energy better.

I’d love to say this quote comes from some fabulous leadership text but it doesn’t. It’s from an energy company extolling the virtues of an energy audit. The sad truth is that most of us are far more likely to call the power company and have them do an in-home energy audit than we are to do one ourselves.

One key element to successful self-leadership is to know what energizes and drains you. How can you be your best if you spend most of your day on activities or with people who drain you? You can’t! A personal energy audit can help identify what people and activities energize or drain you. Once you know this, try to add things to your life that energize you and remove or diminish the drainers.

If you want to dig deeper, think about energy in terms of mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. What dimension(s) energize you the most? How can you get more of those things in your life? Where in your life are you in an energy deficit?

Play with this a little to find out how to best optimize your energy.



About the Author

Kristi Baxter is a Trusted Advisor, Mindset Master & Change Partner

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